Musikgarten Back to Basics – Back to the Roots of Musikgarten
Take time to get back to the roots of Musikgarten!
Revisit "the basics" in this online session with a National Teacher Trainer. Enjoy "Aha!" moments, or rediscover truths you once knew but have since forgotten. If your training was years ago, and you've been going it alone for a while, or if you are fairly new to the curriculum, check in on this fun interactive session to engage in the defining perspectives that make Musikgarten unique! Experience Musikgarten-specific approaches to movement, instruments, singing, and listening for some real "light bulb" synthesis in your thinking, preparation, and presentation. You'll hear things that hearken back to workshops or Festivals of your past, and before you know it, you'll be utilizing these ideas in your studio, and observing the difference in your students. Whether teaching online, or in-person, we all need to keep the basics in mind!
This session will be taught by Musikgarten Teacher Trainer Amy Rucker.