Cycle of Seasons: Help!
In your weekly Cycle of Seasons lesson planning, have you ever found yourself thinking, “This activity is just not speaking to me; I know that it’s in the lesson plan, but I wish I could think of a fun way to present it!” Or perhaps after a class you’ve thought, ‘"Help! I need to find a better way to present this song or activity to my class!" Maybe this is your first-time presentation of a song/activity goes well, but you need help developing the activity over subsequent weeks. Or perhaps all of the children in your class are on the young end of the age spectrum, and you need help with how to better adapt the activity for them. Do you need help in transitioning those children who have moved up from your toddler classes (where they played resonator bars for steady beat) to now playing and singing individual pitches on the resonator bars? Or perhaps you find the storytelling or poetry to be a challenge. Or maybe you are someone who has been teaching Cycles classes for a quite a while and are thinking, “I’m in a rut. I need something to re-charge me!”
If the answer to any (or all!) of these questions is “yes," this free Cycle of Seasons webinar, which is designed for both new and veteran teachers should be a perfect fit for YOU!
All you need to do is register below, then take a look through your teacher’s guide for what you would like help with, and send your questions, issues, or thoughts to